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It's okay if your kindness is not appreciated,Do it for the sake of Allah and you'll feel better.And continue to be a better person,you'll never know who will follow your footsteps and spread kindness.

                                    Collide with edges!

    Blue wrapped sky,hanging sun,green grass,music and melody,your breathe,your silence,your voice,your words all have a soul,this soil and each and everything has a soul,earth has a soul,you just need to have a heart to feel that,to feel the innocence of a child,to feel the beauty of night,when everything stops and only moon and stars are there,but the problem is we can't actually feel anything without diving into our own soul,how can you hold things safe and steady with others,if you don't hold things safe and steady with yourself?how can you swim deep into a soul when you can't grasp or ignite your own?this is why we do the work to become.Because love.Because none of us are truly happy with shallow existences. But without first knowing ourselves,we'll get trapped in tiny ponds.when all we ever longed for was the ocean,all along.Many of us select their careers their ambitions by intimating others,none of us find the real ability hidden beneath our souls,none of us is perfect,but we can be perfect in a particular field if we mirror our own selves.Life will always pulls you back if you don't trust your self instinct,your heart beat fast indicating the situation is wrong,but we don't trust it,we let go and pull the situation into a wrong hand,if your heart beats faster than normal,trust it,don't take your feelings for for granted if you do so,you are not only loose your self esteem plus you will lose yourself,it's bad i know.

  So,here's the thing how can you conquer yourself?.Tough right! how can you better know yourself,so here's the thing I've got for you,judge yourself,judge your self esteem,judge your kindness,good deeds,bad deeds,jealousy,emotions hidden beneath,but still one thing is left that is you.Yes you! you reading this,you have a mind that says what's up-to next..yea! i choose my careers just to earn money,or merely to be successful but i didn't select  my own self,i didn't selected it by my heart,and that's how productivity dwell,if i can study something with so much zeal,but couldn't get the best possible results,we human beings are so confused what's next is a suspense for us!.....what the future will lead is a exam for us,so to live your life you should conquer your self esteem,your courage,and don't let garbage(Those people who think that they are in love with you and underestimate your self esteem) come  in your life,push them out of your life and don't give a damn to them,everyone has their own perspectives to see another person,and that's their thinking,that lead you to judge them,if you have make up your mind to do something,focus on that and forget the world,because while you doing that they will definitely say: what you doing? they i'll laugh,might do worst activities to break you down,but once you did it they'll ask how you do it? and that's the world,creepy place to live,but only has one aspect,goodness also exist,miracles exist,focus on your dreams, don't fall down to pieces and one day you will conquer yourself.I crave the ones who've seen confusion, and known struggle,who have pulled themselves up from the shackles of heartache and strife,disappointment and darkness exhaustion and drain and have risen with a heart as open and waveringly  wide as the ocean itself.I want those people inside you guys,the vulnerable,the wise,the ones who care for the world,and how to be better it along with themselves.To know their ability to make waves,in shifting patterns with tides and in creating change.Let us become that open ocean and rise.
                                                                                                                   Abstracted by:Aisha Noor


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