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It is not the war between nations, it's the war between us, the war between us mortals...the war inside our souls

                              WHAT WAR MEANS TO ME!

War is a state of armed conflict between states, governments, societies and informal paramilitary groups, such as mercenaries, insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. Let's put every word to be considered extreme violence, something that cause great deal of chaos in the society, aggression can be caused by poverty, non human behavior of people around.. what are we mortals, nothing but composed of our bodies and soul, we all are tie up by the bond of sympathy, we live for others, it's not because we are having soft heart in our bodies but just to show that we are humans not animals, So looking around these days what i found in people is aggression, thirst for blood, an unquenchable thirst of money,fame and desire. War is not between in nations war is between us, the mortals, we all have to die anyway, some die due to disease, some die when their time arrives, some die due to thirst, some die due to people, some die in attacks, in accidents, deaths and deaths, what is our purpose nothing but scrolling down our phones and putting them in our pocket, commenting on Facebook, Instagram,twitter and other social media sites.

   This is us the mortals, we have hatred, we have blackened heart, poisoned blood in our veins, because we ourselves are feeding in kosher stuff, we don't feed on in kosher food, but we feed our hearts with hatred, aggression, selfish hearts , we don't eat bad, we feel bad, we are posed to negativity rather than positivity, let's have an example my car gets a scratch due to a man driving another car blindly, what will be my attitude i would stop there and start fighting with that person he will never confess that he was wrong, and i would never say i was wrong at that time, the poor has to suffer in this case and the rich would definitely won in this case, we respect people with their designations, we don't respect them for who they are, we only consider there status rather than them to be as humans, we our humans but what i see is no humanity, we badly discourage our fellows, you can't do that, you are nothing, when someone comes to you with their passion in their eyes i want to be a star, we laugh out, we don't appreciate their thoughts, we laugh out, that's what breaks their heart, we all our fighting hard battles in our lives but that doesn't means we have to make other people part of it. Almighty has bestowed the best miracle, it's us human having beating heart, oxygenating lungs, filtering kidneys, we have eyes to see the pain, we have soul to feel the pain but instead our ears are been poisoned with hatred, we have eyes but what we see is what we think, we have no sympathy among us, it's not the fight with the nations, it's the fight between us humans, love is vanished no sympathy,no altruism, just aggression, what if your sitting in a waiting room and smiles at a child, the child would shy, he or she would smile back at you, what if you buy something with the shopkeeper you put your tone low and buy out whatever you need, what if you talk with sweet tone with someone, what if you let go of the dents you get in your life, you will loose nothing but it will make your life easier.

  Respect people for who they are, not their designations, not their status, have a kind heart remember we are mortals, we have to go back to our real destination, we have to leave this beautiful world, soft tone can flew someone's tension, aggression and hatred not for forever but for a second and maybe that second influence them to be there forever.Remember everyone is fighting hard battle and somehow we all bound with each other. spread love at least by your tongue. Say no to war because it's not the war between nations it's the war between us. 

                                                               There is no miracle greater than human being itself.And every good and bad act comes back to you, everyone has to met their nemices.


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