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There are decades when nothing happens.There are weeks where decades happen!

                                 SCAR OF IMPERFECTIONS!

    These crazy and ridiculous things happens for you,not to you.For you to be bigger,to be stronger,to be better,And for you to far wiser.somewhere close yet far enough there's a place where time cannot reach.A place suspended in a moment,where the earths stops turning,there will be wings that keeps your heart in clouds,and you'll be the anchor that keeps your feet on the ground.I am imperfect,i am a mess, i can not do anything perfectly because i am a human.
   And i'm rather proud of it,i'm sculpture of mistakes,i carry mistakes,i carry stupidity,i carry smiles,laughter, i fight because that makes me feel alive,no one can be perfect,no one can carry perfections in their pockets,we all have phobias,phobias of loosing,loving,caring,sobbing,killing in fact phobias of fallen.Scared of heights,scared of fights,scared of doing wrong,scared of betrayals,we human beings have phobias and things along with our skin which we are afraid of loosing,you know what i feel is, happiness is temporary,whether it's a happy ending or a happy beginning happiness is temporary and we carry in our whole lives is sadness,that kills us gradually,slowly and we forget ourselves in proving others,we repair each day just to make our life perfect forgetting this word human drives from the word mistake,angels might be the sculpture of perfections but not humans.

 Each thought of perfection compelled me to think,girls of my age,or guys of my age, have a phobia,people usually expects us to be perfect,perfections is not a piece of cake,don't give a damn to it,we have flaws and that makes us freaking beautiful,emotional heart breaking sentences can lead you down,and if you have tears in your eyes don't wait for someone to come and wipe them,wipe your tears,shade them now,it's not bad being sensitive it's okay to be called emotional,you don't actually need to be perfect,imperfections is something that makes you beautiful,own your beauty,let me tell you one thing.
  We arrive into this world as energy,same as stars,wildlife,wind and ocean,messy, raw and continuously imperfect in our chaos.Release the need to control and instead surrender to your own natural rhythm as expansive accepting and open to new circumstances and situations as air itself.That is how you thrive.what this means is that you should be with yourself,not alone but with yourself,and you can be with yourself even in a crowd.

  Highly sensitive beings suffer more but they also love harder,dream wider, and experience deeper horizons and bliss.When your're sensitive,you're alive in every sense of the word in this wildly beautiful world.sensitivity is your strength.keep soaking in the light,and spreading it to others.Another thing i wanna tell you guys that if you simply mix starlight,solitude,silence and softness,you may just learn everything you've ever needed to know about everything you hadn't known?.
 Imperfections make us beautiful so we don't need to be perfect just smile bright and let go,everyone will love you just the way you are, i adore those who have been through adversity and heartache and obstacles as impossible and gigantic as the sun itself.they usually make it  out with hearts as warm as gold.Cores strengthened by fire.Lives burned with intention.hope as deep as oceans.They know how to start again how to walk through walls with palms wide open and how to begin at the edge,and end.Those to me are the best people.
  So be imperfect,and enjoy your life. 


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