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Thinking is difficult.....That's why mostly people judge!

                                         Sacred Perception!

  This small word"scared" consist of six words,but means a lot,we have people in our lives who plays vital roles in our lives, they came and go like autumn leaves,but some stick to us like glue,they don't give up on you, they don't let you feel alone,they want you to smile each moment each second.We human beings are sent on this holy ground or you can call it our holy land to do something unique,something that has never done before,we all are unique in ourselves,we are originator,we are leaders,we are writers,we are tough,that's why called the best creatures of God.

  We human beings spend our each day in hatred,jealousy,complexes and eternity of flaws that we face each day,we say"we have the biggest problem of this universe",shake it off and say it yourself you are not the reason of a problem,the problem itself is a problem,best way to fight it is to enjoy  your problem,and gradually that problem will haste away by itself,well! i'm 17 years old not enough experienced,not enough known to this world,but one thing came clear to me when i get surrounded with the people of the same age in my college, I don't know about what people think their perspectives there thinking,i don't give a damn on it,jealousy and hatred is supreme,who's inn in social media matters, uploading pictures on Instagram followers on social media, matters for people,we use filters to make our pictures brighter but  those cell phone can't hide the stress behind,that we hide,we human beings have three stages of consciousness:
1. Consious
3.sub conscious
    We need to judge ourselves on which state we rely on,what we think....Let no one judge you,you know yourself better than anyone so why letting someone judge you for who you really are,we have to face eternity of problems,all alone and that situation when you have pose to the world that we are strong capable enough to fight all alone,You are tough,strong and loneliness doesn't matter for you, Make yourself a side of comfort for someone,I know a girl who had big dreams,she wanted to be a superstar,on T.v everywhere she wanted fame,she was addicted to something that most of people these days are addicted to and that's "lifestyle",who don't want a comfortable home,what's home?. warm place of love where you can have your own self with your feelings,good food to eat,everyone to love and everyone wants.But we human beings never get satisfied and thankful for what we get,we always want more,we always wish to want more and more,that desire of more kills us in many ways,People living on this earth walk on this earth like this land is their property,be someone that when you walk on this earth ,on this land,the land stats praying for you ,the sky looks at you and say:"Holy men! may peace on you"....Everything in this world has soul, whether it's human whether it's land,water,sky,skies,everything has soul you need to find need to be someone who never laid down anyone,who can never be the reason of someone's reason to be get away from their paths,Be true, at least to yourself,stop criticizing everyone has flaws start loving them with their flaws.Human beings are the most beautiful creature with their flaws.

 Let me share you guys a little thing that i'm being motivated to think about this matter,
  " In a African tribe,when someone does something wrong,they take the person to the center of the village,where the tribes surrounds him for about 2 days saying all the good he has done.The tribe believes each person is good but sometimes people make mistakes,which are really a cry for help,they reunite to correct him with his good nature"
 And that's what real inspiration is, their is good in every devil,you need to awaken it,what's your reflection towards any problem is maturity,how you behave while you are facing the toughest time of the year,is the time you notice and say to yourself:" Man! i did it".
  Smile bright,stay blessed, and put all your worries aside and say "Hey you worry! My faith is much bigger than you and My God is the biggest" and you will succeed another inspiring thing about faith hope and believe that inspires me is:
  "Once in a village,their was no rain,so decided to gather all together to pray for the rain,at the day of the prayer, only one boy came with a umbrella,this is the faith,
   When a father throws his one year baby in air, the kid laughs because he knew that his father will catch him that's trust"
  So trust In ALMIGHTY ALLAH.....May peace prevail on this earth,and just like when hazrat Ibrahim was forced to jump in fire, a sparrow filled it's beak with water and tried to slow down the fire,sparrow can't do anything apparently,but she was doing her work all it can do it did,,,,so be that sparrow and this world will be a heaven to live if not at least for you.
                                                                               Abstract by Aisha Noor:)


  1. Amazing 👍yaar you did a great work I must appreciate it keep doing it

  2. Great work you did a great job your perception about war is really appreciateable keep doing thesr type of things


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